Know the law of your land
the "holy grail" of all worldly knowledge
what the power brokers DON'T want you know
the knowledge that grows you up
the key that sets i, free
What is Law?
even the lawyers don't know this!
the law common to i:
the laws which i, set for myself and my life
that do no harm
and which i, can express freely in the private or the public
that enable me to embody the power, joy and freedom
that i am
and that i, was intended to live
LEARN the most powerful LAW
of the land
Knowing Law - Living Free
Law common to i class
with John Little & Katherine Gray Silvan
Sign up for the 6 week class
how to remove all controversy from your life, including legal issues & unlawful interference from corpse-porations & government agencies
how to write a notice and set up a claim that instantly establishes YOUR jurisdiction ABOVE the legal system (where it has always belonged)
how to express your law in all situations including dealings with the legal system, educators, landlords, bureaucrats and harassment of any kind
how to establish and conduct your own court without lawyers or prosecutors and with a magistrate or jury of your peers to bring law back to our lands
how to re-establish what’s true and what rights you truly have apart from the lies we have been taught about who we are, what liberties we have and what’s possible - and ultimately the freedom we are all born to live and celebrate.
REGISTER for the class HERE
suggested donation ~ $1,000 USD
ask about my scholarship fund